Easy Homemade Cheesecake Pie Recipe

Mary and Brenda Maher

By Brenda & Mary

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You might be scratching your head, thinking, “Regular cheesecake and pies? How the heck do they even go together?” Well, it’s simple! There’s the graham cracker crust (just like a pie) but packed with smooth and creamy cheesecake goodness this time.

Cheesecake Pie

Why Graham Cracker Crust Pies With Cheesecake Are The Best

  • The cheesecake filling is the star of the show, a mouthful of pure cheesy heaven that just melts away. And trust me, once that creamy goodness pairs up with the buttery, crumbly graham cracker crust, you will never want to go back.
  • Cheesecake pie is a one-flavor-fits-all deal. You’ve got classics like strawberry and blueberry, but why stop there? How about something wild like pumpkin spice or chocolate chip? Trust me, there’s a cheesecake pie for every taste bud out there.
  • This guy is a nice team player at the dinner table. Imagine a hearty main course of roasted chicken or pork loin – and right there on the side, a slice of cheesecake pie! Its creamy texture swoops in to clear the way for more flavor boost, the ultimate palate cleanser.
  • And let’s not forget about the visual! That golden color steals the spotlight at any gathering. As the grand finale of the meal, it will surely take the party to a whole new level of classy.
Cheesecake Pie recipe

10 Basic Steps To Make Cheesecake Pie


Here’s what you’ll need to whip up the filling for this traditional cheesecake pie:

  • Cream Cheese: First up, cream cheese! I have my own favorite brand, but use whatever one you prefer. Just make sure it’s the full-fat bricks, not the spreadable kind you’d use on bagels. 
  • Sugar: Grab some granulated sugar so the baked cheesecake doesn’t turn out too sweet. If you’ve got vanilla sugar on hand, that’s even better!
  • Sour Cream: Now, here’s the game-changer: sour cream! It makes all the difference and helps bind everything together. You’ll need about ¼ cup for the best consistency.
  • Eggs: Trust me, they are a must for any cheesecake bake. (If you want to try the no-bake version, go ahead!) But don’t overmix them; add them slowly at the very end to keep everything smooth.
  • Vanilla & Lemon Juice: Don’t forget the flavor boosters! Vanilla extract adds, well, the classic vanilla flavor, while lemon juice brings in a fresh zing without making it taste like a lemon cheesecake.


Step 1.

Let’s preheat the oven to 350°F (or 177°C).

Pie Crust

Step 2.

Do you have whole graham crackers? Great! Toss them in a blender or food processor until they’re crumbly. In a bowl, mix the crumbs with the granulated sugar, then pour in the unsalted butter and stir it all together. Your mixture should be thick and sandy. 

make graham cracker

Don’t worry if there are some big chunks. I often give them a gentle smash! Now, dump that mixture into a 9-inch pie dish (grease it if you want, but I usually don’t). 

My pro tip: Use your palm to pat these crumbs up the bowl’s sides and onto the bottom to form a neat, compact crust. Be gentle, and JUST press until it’s no longer crumbly. 

make Cheesecake Pie crust

You can also use a flat-bottomed cup to smooth things out (but again, don’t go too hard). Oh, and don’t forget to run a small spoon around the pan’s bottom corner (ya know, where the bottom and the edge meet) to round out the crust and avoid crumbling.

Step 3. 

Bake this crust quickly (10 minutes should do). While it bakes, let’s whip up our filling.


make Cheesecake Pie filling

Step 4.

Grab your hand or electric mixer, slap on its paddle attachment, and toss in your white sugar and cream cheese in a big ol’ bowl!

Crank the speed to medium-high and let it rip for around 3 minutes until everything’s creamy and smooth. Don’t forget to scrape the bottom and sides of the mixing bowl with your rubber spatula to make sure everything’s mixed in.

Step 5.

Now, toss in sour cream, a splash of lemon juice, and vanilla extract. Keep the mixer going until it’s all nicely combined and super smooth! Again, scrape the bowl so no sneaky lumps lurk around.

Step 6.

It’s egg time!

Crack those babies in one at a time, giving them a good mix after every addition (at medium speed) until they JUST blend in. Oh, and if you notice any lumps hanging around, grab a whisk and give it a quick hand mix until they’re gone. (A few tiny lumps are okay, though).


Step 7.

Now, let’s adjust the oven to 325°F (or 163°C) and pour that creamy cheesecake filling all over our warm crust.

Pop that bad boy in the preheated oven for about 35 minutes until its center is nearly set. Keep an eye on it after the first 25 minutes, though, and cover it with foil if it’s getting too brown on top!

make frosting

Step 8.

Once it’s done baking, let it chill out on a rack for about an hour at room temp. 

Then, it goes into the fridge. I often let mine sit there for 2 hours, but feel free to wait for 2 days if you have some patience! Just make sure to cover it up if it’s going to chill in the fridge for more than 3 hours.

Step 9. (Optional)

Go ahead and jazz up your pie with your favorite toppings, either right before serving or 1-2 hours in advance. Just remember, if you’re decorating and not serving right away, pop that pie back in the fridge!

I like to get fancy with my toppings, btw. I’ll drizzle some raspberry sauce at the top and then go all out with a piping bag to create beautiful whipped cream swirls.

Step 10.

It’s time to slice and serve, baby! Grab a dry, sharp knife and wipe it clean after each slice. Don’t stress if the very first slice isn’t picture-perfect; the rest will be easy once you get over that first cut. Enjoy!

Cheesecake Pie final


I think this should be obvious, but for all beginners out there: ALWAYS bring your ingredients (cream cheese, eggs, etc.) to room temperature! The fat in the cream cheese will soften and blend in more easily with the sugar.


Can I Open The Oven Door During Baking?

My god, no! The sudden drop in temperature is a disaster for this pie recipe with a graham cracker crust. If you REALLY want to check, use the oven light. 

Can I Add Almond Extract To The Pie? 

Sure. Its nutty flavor will bring in a refreshing twist.

—And that’s my cheesecake recipe in graham cracker crust. Happy baking, cheesecake lovers!

Cheesecake Pie

Cheesecake Pie

Cheesecake pie is the best of both worlds! The familiar graham cracker crust will greet your tongue (just like in a pie), but instead of fruity fillings, you've got this rich, creamy cheesecake filling.
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Course: Pie
Cuisine: American
Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook Time: 45 minutes
Total Time: 3 hours
Servings: 10
Calories: 518kcal
Author: Brenda Maher


Graham Cracker Crust

  • 1 ½ cups graham cracker crumbs (or 12 whole sheet graham crackers)
  • ¼ cup granulated sugar
  • 6 tbsp melted, unsalted butter


  • 16 oz softened, full-fat brick cream cheese
  • ½ cup granulated sugar
  • ¼ cup full-fat sour cream, room temperature
  • 1 ¼ tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1 ¼ tsp lemon juice
  • 2 eggs, room temperature

Topping (optional)

  • 1 ½ tbsp raspberry sauce
  • 1 cup fresh raspberries
  • 1 tbsp whipped cream


  • Set the oven temperature at 350°F (or 177°C).

Homemade Pie Crust

  • Toss whole graham crackers in a blender or food processor until they’re crumbly. Mix the crumbs with the granulated sugar, then pour in the unsalted butter and stir it all together in a bowl. Your mixture should be thick and sandy. Dump that mixture into a 9-inch pie dish (greasing is optional).
  • Bake this crust quickly (10 minutes).


  • Toss your white sugar and cream cheese in a big mixing bowl. Crank the speed to medium-high and let it rip for 3 minutes until creamy and smooth. Scrape the bottom and sides of the mixing bowl to make sure everything’s mixed in.
  • Add sour cream, lemon juice, and vanilla extract. Keep mixing until nicely combined. Again, scrape the bowl.
  • Crack 2 eggs in one at a time, giving them a good mix after every addition (at medium speed) until they JUST blend in.


  • Adjust the oven to 325°F (or 163°C) and pour that creamy cheesecake filling over your warm crust.
  • Bake for 35 minutes until its center is nearly set. Keep an eye on it after the first 25 minutes, though, and cover it with foil if it’s getting too brown on top.
  • Let it rest on a wire rack for about an hour at room temp. Then, it should stay in the fridge for 2 hours to 2 days. Cover it up if it stays there longer than 3 hours.
  • (Optional). Jazz up your pie with your favorite toppings, either right before serving or 1-2 hours in advance. If you’re decorating and not serving immediately, refrigerate the pie again.
  • Slice the cake with a dry, sharp knife and wipe it clean after each neat slice. Enjoy!


Bring all your ingredients (cream cheese, eggs, etc.) to room temperature so the fat in the cream cheese will soften and become easier to cream together with the sugar. This will result in a smooth and silky cheesecake filling.


Calories: 518kcal | Carbohydrates: 16.8g | Protein: 2g | Fat: 41g | Saturated Fat: 30g | Cholesterol: 205mg | Sodium: 378mg | Potassium: 230mg | Sugar: 16.7g | Calcium: 30mg
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Mary and Brenda Maher

Mary & Brenda Maher

Mary & Brenda Maher, are the founders of Cake Girls, a Chicago-based online baking shop specializing in cake supplies, party decor, and DIY cake tutorials. They are known for their elaborate and artistic cake creations, which have been featured on the Food Network Challenge and in a reality show, Amazing Wedding Cakes.

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