Easy Homemade Rice Krispie Treats Recipe

Mary and Brenda Maher

By Brenda & Mary

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Cereal often gets a bad rap for being a bit plain, so I could hardly blame my kiddos when they turned their noses up at Rice Krispies cereal for breakfast. 

Rice Krispie Treats

But with some extra ingredients thrown into my rice crispy treats recipe, and voila! Now, my kids are practically racing each other to the breakfast table every morning.

Why These Rice Krispy Treats Are The Best

  • The gooey, sweet, slightly salty butter wraps around our crispy cereal like a dream. And don’t even get me started on those pockets of melty marshmallows scattered throughout; each bite is a tiny yet pleasant surprise!
  • Rice Krispie Treats are a breeze to whip up at home; you need nothing but some of the easiest ingredients in the world. No fancy cooking skills are required, either, and they’re ready in no time! Even better, you can get wild with add-ins like chocolate chips, peanut butter, or sprinkles to tweak the recipe just how you like it.
  • Do you know these babies are a HUGE hit with the kids? Thanks to their fun and playful colors, they’re the best snack to munch on after school or during movie night (or even adult parties or potlucks, if you think about it). Truly the best of the best!
Rice Krispie Treats recipe

6 Basic Steps To Make Rice Krispie Treats


These awesome no-bake treats only need 5 ingredients:

  • Butter: Every great dessert starts with butter! You’ll need about ¾ cup or 12 tablespoons. It’s the key to that rich, buttery flavor we all love.
  • Marshmallows: We’re talking extra marshmallowy goodness here without it falling apart. And we can never have “too many” marshmallows, so grab yourself 11 full cups!
  • Vanilla Extract: This guy takes our treats from good to absolutely amazing. Just a half teaspoon of vanilla extract works wonders and adds extra flavor — even better if you’ve got a homemade one lying around in the kitchen!
  • Salt: Never underestimate the power of a pinch of salt; this flavor enhancer brings out the best in these rice treats! 
  • Rice Krispies Cereal: Last but(definitely) not least, here’s the main character of our show. I mean, what’s a Rice Krispies treat without the crispy, crunch Rice Krispies tying everything together?


Step 1. 

First, grab a 13×9 baking pan and line it with parchment paper. Grease the parchment a little (I usually spritz it with nonstick spray). Easy peasy! Set that aside for a second.

Step 2.

Melt some butter in a big ol’ pot over medium heat. Once it’s all nice and melty, toss in those marshmallows and give them a good stir until they’re entirely melted into our gooey goodness.

Rice Krispie Treats batter

Step 3.

Off the heat, it goes! Quickly stir in some vanilla and a pinch of salt. Then, gently fold the cereal until every last bit is coated in this marshmallow mixture.

Step 4.

Rice Krispie Treats ingredient mixing

It’s time to transfer our gooey mixture into the prepared pan! Grab your rubber spatula (light greasing can keep sticky messes away) and spread the mixture evenly. Then, gently grease the spatula’s back and press that mixture into the baking pan. There’s no need to go crazy here; just a light push will do.

Rice Krispie Treats batter in cake pan

Step 5.

Let these treats rest at room temperature for an hour to set — or, if your craving can wait, up to a whole day. Cover them up tight if you want them to sit out for over two hours!

Step 6.

When they’re all set and ready, use the parchment paper to lift the whole thing off your baking pan, then slice it into squares. We have made it, my friend! You’ve got some out-of-the-world Rice Krispie treats that will steal the spotlight anywhere they go. Enjoy!

best Rice Krispie Treats


1. I prefer fresh cereal, but do you know that slightly stale Rice Krispies also play well with other ingredients?

Fresh cereals are usually airier and absorb LOTS of marshmallow mixture, so your treats might turn out soggy if you’re not careful. On the other hand, treats with stale cereal hold their shape better and feel sturdier (plus that distinct crispy texture!). 

Luckily, getting stale cereal is a piece of cake: simply leave the cereal box open for a day or two. Or spread the cereal on a baking sheet and toast it in a low oven (around 200°F) for a few minutes, stirring occasionally until slightly dried. Fast and furious!

2. Our treats are already super gooey, but what if we want MORE? I have great news: you can replace some marshmallows with marshmallow fluff! FYI, it’s a pre-made marshmallow creme that melts even easier than marshmallows and brings a delightfully pillowy texture. 

Let me show you how to use it: 

  • First, reduce the amount of marshmallows by 1 cup.
  • Add ½ cup of marshmallow fluff to the melted butter mixture.
  • Fold it in gently until JUST combined, and adjust the proportions until they reach the right level of gooeyness (for your taste). Still, too much marshmallow fluff can make our treats overly sticky and difficult to handle, so be careful!

3. Why waste leftover treats when you can still use them for other recipes? Rice Krispie treats balls or crusts, for example! 

For Rice Krispie Treat Balls:

  • Crumble the leftover Rice Krispie Treats into a large bowl, then use your hands to mold the crumbs into bite-sized balls.
  • Lightly grease your hands with butter or coat them with corn syrup to prevent sticky disasters.
  • Get creative with coatings! Dip the balls in melted chocolate (dark, white, or milk), then roll them in desiccated coconut, sprinkles, chopped nuts, or even crushed cookies. 

For Rice Krispie Treat Crusts:

  • Use your food processor to crumble these leftover treats into a fine texture. You can also place them in a zip-lock bag and crush them with a rolling pin  —whatever works for you.
  • Press the crumbs firmly and evenly into the bottom of a pie pan.
  • This crust is perfect for no-bake desserts like cheesecakes or chocolate peanut butter bars. Still, I sometimes use them for baked pies where I don’t want the bottom crust soggy.


How Can I Cut Clean Squares Without The Treats Crumbling? 

The key is to use a warm knife! Dip your knife in hot water before cutting the treats. The warmth will melt any marshmallow clinging to the blade to create clean and even cuts for you.

Can I Store Them At Room Temperature?

Sure thing! Rice Krispie treats stored in an airtight container at room temperature can last up to 3 days. I personally like room-temperature storage WAY more than freezing since they can keep their fresh texture.

And that’s how to make Rice Krispy treats. Good luck!

Rice Krispie Treats

Rice Krispie Treats

These yummy snacks are made with Rice Krispies cereal, marshmallows, and butter. Basically, you melt the marshmallows with butter until they're all gooey and sticky, then mix in the crispy rice cereal!
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Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 20 minutes
Calories: 65kcal
Author: Brenda Maher


  • ¾ cup unsalted butter
  • 11 cups mini marshmallows
  • ½ tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 9 cups crispy rice cereal


  • Line a 13×9 pan with good parchment paper. Grease the parchment a little. Set that aside for a second.
  • Melt butter in a big pot over medium heat, then toss in marshmallows. Give them a good stir until they’re entirely melted.
  • Off the heat, it goes! Quickly stir in some vanilla and a pinch of salt. Then, gently fold the cereal until every last bit is coated in this marshmallow mixture.
  • Transfer our gooey mixture into the prepared pan. Grab your rubber spatula (light greasing can keep sticky messes away) and spread the mixture evenly. Then, gently grease the spatula’s back and press that mixture into the baking pan.
  • Let these treats rest at room temperature for 1 hour to 24 hours. Cover them tightly if you want them to sit out for more than 2 hours.
  • Use the parchment paper to lift the whole thing off your baking pan, then slice it into squares. Enjoy.


  1. Stale cereals hold their shape better and can be used for these treats. Leave the box open for a day or toast the cereal in a low oven to stale it.
  2. For extra gooeyness, marshmallow fluff can be substituted for some marshmallows in treats. Reduce marshmallows by 1 cup, add ½ cup marshmallow fluff, and adjust proportions to your taste.
  3. Leftover treats can be repurposed into Rice Krispie Treat Balls or Crusts. For balls, crumble the treats, mold them into balls, and coat them with various toppings. For crusts, crush the treats and press them into a pan. You can use these crusts for both no-bake and baked desserts.


Calories: 65kcal | Carbohydrates: 12g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 2g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 5mg | Sodium: 65mg | Potassium: 7mg | Sugar: 5g | Calcium: 1mg | Iron: 2mg
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Mary and Brenda Maher

Mary & Brenda Maher

Mary & Brenda Maher, are the founders of Cake Girls, a Chicago-based online baking shop specializing in cake supplies, party decor, and DIY cake tutorials. They are known for their elaborate and artistic cake creations, which have been featured on the Food Network Challenge and in a reality show, Amazing Wedding Cakes.

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