Best White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies Recipe

Mary and Brenda Maher

By Brenda & Mary

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The perfect combination of crunchy and chewy—that’s what you get with these white chocolate macadamia nut cookies. For me, they evoke memories of family gatherings and holidays. It was like a warm hug in cookie form.

Easy White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies

In this blog, I’ll walk you through every step of making these scrumptious treats. Keep reading to learn this fool-proof homemade recipe.

Why You’ll Adore My Recipe

Here are just a few things that set these cookies apart:

  • Texture contrast: The combination of chewy, soft cookies, crunchy nuts, and smooth white chocolate is a dream come true. Just like my oatmeal raisin cookies, it’s a sensory delight that’ll keep you coming back for more.
  • Unique flavor combination: White chocolate and macadamia nuts are a match made in heaven. The sweetness of the chocolate and the nutty flavor of the macadamia nuts come together to create a comforting, cozy flavor that’s perfect for any time of day. You’ll feel like you’re treating yourself to a special indulgence every time you take a bite. 
  • Versatility: These cookies are perfect for snacking, dessert, or even as a gift for friends and family. They’re also a great addition to any party or gathering and can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion.
White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies

They pair beautifully with various frostings and desserts. For instance, try adding a dollop of caramel buttercream frosting to elevate the sweet, nutty flavors. If you’re in the mood for more of a tangy twist, cream cheese frosting works wonderfully as well.

8 Simple Steps to Make White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies


Here’s a rundown of all the ingredients I’ve selected to ensure the cookies turn out just right:

  • All-purpose flour (2 cups + 2 tablespoons, spooned & leveled): This is the backbone of your cookie structure. Make sure to spoon the flour into your measuring cup and level it off for accuracy. Don’t be lazy and scoop straight from the bag, or you might end up with too much!
  • Cornstarch (1 heaping teaspoon): This little secret gives the cookies that delectably tender texture by softening the harsh proteins of flour.
  • Baking soda (1 teaspoon): This leavening agent helps your cookies get a nice lift and spread. Make sure it’s fresh to guarantee a good rise.
  • Salt (½ teaspoon) to taste
  • Unsalted butter (¾ cup, melted and slightly cooled): Melting the butter gives the cookies a chewier texture. It should be cooled just enough so it doesn’t cook your eggs on contact.
  • Granulated sugar (¾ cup): This is for the sweet base of your cookies. Regular white sugar works best to give that classic crisp edge.
  • Brown sugar (¾ cup): It adds moisture and a nice chewy texture, plus a hint of molasses flavor if you’re using the dark variant. Pack it to get the correct amount.
  • Vanilla extract (1 ⅓ teaspoons): Quality matters, so go for the pure stuff.
  • Eggs (1 large egg + 1 yolk): The extra yolk adds richness and helps bind everything together smoothly. Remember, room-temp eggs fold in better than cold ones.
  • Macadamia nuts (1 ¼ cups, roughly chopped): I lean towards salted, dry-roasted nuts as their robust, salty crunch really complements the sweet, creamy white chocolate.
  • White chocolate chips (1 ¼ cups): You can use less, say 1 cup, if you’re not team chocolate. A chocolate person? Then, my chewy chocolate chip cookie recipe can hit the spot.


Make and Mix the Ingredients

Step 1

Macadamia Nut Cookies dry ingredient

Begin by mixing your salt, baking soda, cornstarch, and flour in a large bowl. Once combined, set this aside for later use.

Step 2

Macadamia Nut Cookies wet ingredient

Combine sugar, butter, egg yolks, whole egg, and vanilla extract in a separate bowl. Whisk them together until the mixture is smooth and fully integrated.

Step 3

Macadamia Nut Cookie ingredient mixing

Take your wet ingredients and add them to the bowl of dry ones. Use a rubber spatula to gently mix everything until the batter is smooth and there are no visible flour pockets. This is the point where your dough starts to take form.

Step 4

Fold in the white chocolate chips and macadamia nuts. A wooden spoon or a sturdy spatula works best for this to ensure even distribution without breaking the nuts or chips.

Macadamia Nut Cookies ingredient mixing

Bake the Dough

Step 5

Cover your cookie dough and refrigerate it for at least 2 hours or up to 4 days if you’re not in a hurry. It helps the flavors meld together and gives the cookies a better texture.

If chilling for longer than 2 hours, remember to let the dough sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes before you start shaping the cookies, as the dough will be quite stiff.

Macadamia Nut Cookies baking

Step 6

When ready to bake, prepare your oven to 350°F in advance. Line your baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone mats to prevent sticking and facilitate cleanup.

Scoop the dough into balls using about 1-1 ½ tablespoons per cookie. Arrange these on the prepared sheets, spaced about 3 inches apart to allow for spreading.

Step 7

Bake the balls of dough in the preheated oven for 12-15 minutes or until the edges are just turning golden, but the centers still look slightly underdone. This is how you can get that gooey, soft center we all love in a cookie.

White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies final

Cool and Serve

Step 8

After baking, let the cookies cool on the sheet for about 5 minutes. Don’t skip this, as it allows the cookies to set slightly and makes them easier to transfer without breaking.

Finally, move your cookies to a wire rack to cool completely so that they will maintain the texture and not become soggy from sitting in their own steam.

White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies Recipe

Some Baking Tips

Chilling Your Dough

The colder that dough, the less the cookies will spread out into thin, greasy puddles when baking. Chilling helps keep them thick, sturdy, and nice and solid. Trust me, it’s worth the extra time in the fridge. Otherwise, you’ll end up with chocolate chip cookies that spread way too much and lose shape.

One Batch at a Time

I always bake just one batch of cookies at a time for the best results. Ovens can have hot spots, so baking multiple trays at the same time often leads to uneven browning.

If you need to do more than one batch, rotate the baking sheets between the top and bottom racks partway through. And give them a 180-degree spin too.

White Chocolate Chips

For an extra touch of visual appeal, try pressing a few extra white chocolate chips into the warm cookies as soon as they come out of the oven. It’s a simple trick that adds a nice textural element to this recipe.

Make Ahead and Storage

You can prepare the cookie dough up to 4 days in advance and store it in the fridge. When you’re ready to bake, simply let the dough come to room temperature before proceeding.

If you do choose to store your cookies at room temperature, make sure to cover them tightly. They’ll stay fresh for up to a week in an airtight container. The final cookies also freeze well for up to three months.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do My Cookies Spread Too Much?

It usually comes down to the ratio of butter to flour. If your dough feels overly soft or greasy, add a tablespoon of flour at a time until it’s just firm enough to hold its shape.

What Can I Substitute for Macadamia Nuts?

Depending on your personal preference, feel free to swap them out for less expensive nuts like pecans, walnuts, or even cashews. Each will bring its own unique flavor to the party.

How Do I Make Chewy Cookies Instead of Crispy Ones?

My go-to method is slightly underbaking the cookies. Keep a close eye on them in the oven and pull them out just as the edges start to set and turn golden brown. You can also experiment with using more brown sugar than white sugar, as it contributes to chewiness.

—I hope this recipe for white chocolate macadamia nut cookies brings a smile to your face. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

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Easy White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies

White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies

This sumptuous homemade white chocolate macadamia nut cookie recipe is studded with luxurious white chocolate and crunchy macadamia nuts. A true flavor and texture delight in your mouth!
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Course: Cookies
Cuisine: American
Prep Time: 2 hours 20 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 2 hours 40 minutes
Servings: 30 Cookies
Calories: 136kcal
Author: Brenda Maher


  • 2 cups + 2 tbsp all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp cornstarch
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ¾ cup unsalted butter, cooled and melted
  • ¾ cup granulated sugar
  • ¾ cup brown sugar, packed
  • 1 ⅓ tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 egg + 1 egg yolk, room temperature
  • 1 ¼ cups macadamia nuts. roughly chopped
  • 1 ¼ cups white chocolate chips


  • Whisk together salt, baking soda, cornstarch, and flour in a bowl.
  • Combine sugar, butter, egg yolks, whole egg, and vanilla extract in a separate bowl. Whisk until smooth.
  • Mix the ingredients in two bowls together. Use a rubber spatula to mix until smooth with no visible flour pockets.
  • Fold in white chocolate chips and macadamia nuts using a wooden spoon.
  • Cover the dough and refrigerate it for 2 hours or more (up to 4 days).
  • Set the oven to 350°F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper.
  • Scoop the prepared dough into balls ( 1-1 ½ tbsp each) and arrange on prepared sheets, 3 inches apart.
  • Bake the cookie dough balls for 12-15 minutes until their edges are golden and centers are slightly underdone.
  • Let the cookies cool on the sheet. After 5 minutes, transfer them to a wire rack to cool completely.


  • Chilling the dough helps prevent spreading and adds more texture.
  • Focus on a single batch at a time to get more even baking.
  • Add some extra chocolate chips to warm cookies for a visual boost.
  • The dough can be prepared and refrigerated up to 4 days in advance.
  • Store baked cookies at room temperature for up to a week or freeze for up to 3 months in a freezer-safe container.


Calories: 136kcal | Carbohydrates: 20g | Protein: 1.9g | Fat: 8g | Saturated Fat: 4g | Cholesterol: 24mg | Sodium: 75mg | Potassium: 53mg | Fiber: 0.6g | Sugar: 13g | Calcium: 18mg | Iron: 0.6mg
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Mary and Brenda Maher

Mary & Brenda Maher

Mary & Brenda Maher, are the founders of Cake Girls, a Chicago-based online baking shop specializing in cake supplies, party decor, and DIY cake tutorials. They are known for their elaborate and artistic cake creations, which have been featured on the Food Network Challenge and in a reality show, Amazing Wedding Cakes.

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